ECO project
An internal company project aimed at supporting the environment and nature

- restoration of green natural resources by planting new trees, perception of its beauty and diversity;
- formation of knowledge about trees and shrubs;
- development of empathy for the troubles of nature, the desire to fight for its preservation;
- developing an understanding of the relationships in nature and the place of man in them;
- fostering a respectful attitude towards all life on Earth, love of nature;

Project "Plant a Tree"

The company plans to launch an ecological charity project "Plant a Tree".

All partners and buyers of the company participate in this project in absentia and contribute to the preservation of natural objects of cultural and natural heritage - creating and thereby maintaining an ecologically clean environment.

It's very simple - thanks to the development of international sales and the supply of high quality materials, from each international batch of products sold, Newton Coating plants several trees in specially designated parks.

At the same time, each tree planting implies the placement of a special name plate, which indicates information about the international partner company that purchased our materials. The information plates indicate the name of the partner company, the type of wood, the place and time of planting. Each planted tree is assigned its own personal number. The names of all donors are entered in the register of the Plant a Tree project participants. An individual certificate of the owner is issued.

The tree planting signifies the contribution of our partners, and reflects their attitude to the environment and issues of its support and restoration.

Forests and parks are a living organism that goes through periods of development, flowering and wilting. Therefore, he constantly needs care and attention. By donating a tree, we contribute to the restoration of lost historical plantings, returning nature to its former grandeur and beauty.

Planting, in connection with the biological characteristics of the growth and development of plants, is carried out in early spring (April, May) or in the autumn, starting from 2 - half of August.

Contacts Us
Feel free to write and call us. We really love to communicate with our clients.
Russian Federation